Annapolis Election Judges Poll Book - Despite legislation and physical efforts that at various times and locations sought to limit and eliminate the ability of African Americans to vote throughout the United States until the historic Voting Rights Act of 1964, records indicate that ,when possible, Annapolis Blacks sought to express that desire as much as they could. Here, the Archives have made accessible ANNAPOLIS ELECTION JUDGES (Poll Books) M32, from 1799 – 1885. Over respective years, these records list the names of candidate, voter, voter race, voter address, and reasons for voter disqualification (objections).
"Reports of the results of elections held in the several election districts of each county,
giving date, place and purpose of election, certificate of qualification of judges and clerks, list of persons who voted and return of results. Earlier Poll Books—those dating before the adoption of the secret ballot in Maryland—also show how each individual voted." The County Courthouses and Records of Maryland -- Part 2: The Records |