United States Colored Troops (USCT) Case Studies
Case Studies in Maryland
The U.S.C.T. pension records provide a treasure trove of information as it pertains to former slaves and free African-Americans. The history of the United States Colored Troops remains a fascinating topic as their contributions in the Civil War marked a turning point within the country. Each case study is a summary of records & published material on an individual.
Related Materials: Stories of Flight | USCT Pension Records Overview |
USCT Baltimore 1890 Census |
USCT Special Collections (Pension File Collection)

USCT Soldier Biographies by Maryland County
Allegany | Anne Arundel | Baltimore | Baltimore City | Calvert |
Caroline | Carroll | Cecil | Charles | Dorchester |
Frederick | Garrett | Harford | Howard | Kent |
Montgomery | Prince George's | Queen Anne's | Saint Mary's | Somerset |
Talbot | Washington | Wicomico | Worcester |