Judge Lynch's Court: Mob Justice in Maryland During the Age of Jim Crow, 1854 - 1933
Case Studies
From a list of lynchings known to have taken place in various Maryland counties between the 1860s and the 1930s, the names listed below uncover and document the events as recorded in the press. When at all available, the local press was used, moving out to the more regional presses only as a fallback option. The dates listed for each lynching incident are fairly accurate (+/- 10 to 12 weeks). Most of the newspapers used are weeklies, so where date inaccuracy exists it should not pose a major problem to research.
Related Materials:
Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror |
NAACP Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States, 1889-1913

Links to Biographies by Year
Prior to 1870
Associated Individuals
1870-1889 |
1890-1909 |
1910-1933 |
Links to Biographies by Region
WesternAlleganyFrederick |
SouthernAnne ArundelCalvertCharlesSt. Mary's |
CapitalMontgomeryPrince George's |
CentralBaltimoreCarrollHarfordHoward |
Eastern ShoreCarolineAssociated Individuals
CecilKentQueen Anne'sAssociated Individuals
SomersetWicomico |