Beneath the Underground: The Flight to Freedom. Icons used in advertisements for runaway slaves by the Planter's Advocate (P.G. Co., ca. 1850s)
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  • Montgomery County District 5
    Simon J. Martenet, Martenet and Bond's Map of Montgomery County, 1865, Library of Congress, MSA SC 1213-1-464

    Simon J. Martenet, Martenet and Bond's Map of Montgomery County, 1865, Library of Congress,
               MSA SC 1213-1-464
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    Iddings, Chas. A Tyson, Elisebeth Lea, Edw. Chandlee (Saw Mill) Chandlee, Mrs. M. Pierce, Jno. E. Chandlee, M. Tyson, Jas. E. Chandlee, Mrs. W. Palmer, Dr. Cissell, Richard Baswell, Eds. Thompson, Ann Scofield, William Stabler, Mrs. S.B. Gilpin and Bentley Gilpin, A. Thomas, Ed. Thomas, S.P. Stabler, Chas. Mitchell, T. (Colored) Bowen, W. (Colored) Plummer, H. (Colored) Miller, B.H. Stabler, P.T. Brooke, Geo. Hallowell, Jas. S. Farquhar, W.H. Stone, Jas. Bond, Samuel Stabler, Ed. Stabler, Ed. Jr. (Balto ?) Pierce, Henry Briggs, H.W. Robertson, B.R. Bendy, R.T. Davis, L.L. Stabler, C. and Company Stabler, Jos. Lyceum Stabler, William H. Humphry, S. Porter, Ch. G. Lea, William Sullivan, D. Thomas, W.J. Haines, Wahington Boswell, Jno. R. Thomes, E. Sullivan, R.W. Brown, Thos. Wilson, Frank Rawling, Jas. (Mill and Residence) Bentley, B.T. Kinnard, W.L. Poole, M. Coar, Jsaiah Moore, W.W. Miller, B.H. (Quarry) Bonds, William (Residence and Bone Mill) Bentley, R.T. Thompson, Misses Thompson, Mrs. Murphy, M. Murphy, R. Watts, Jno. Duvall, L.H. Ridgley, Chas. Waters, John Wilcox, William Murphy, Samuel Waters, Samuel D. Carr, Caleb Carr, Benj. D. Burton, Thos. Burton, Geo. Burton, Jack Burton, J. Sr. Wilcox, R. Sr. Crowsdale, John Bartan, J. Mayenburg, Jno. Waters, Thos. Carr, Mrs. Lucy Barton, Isaac Igleheart, Joseph Culver, Thos. Bennett, Geo. Buskirk, Andrew Woodward, E. Athea, James Beall, John Search, Griffith Phair, Jno. Reigle, George Search, Jas. Bartlett, S.M. (Steam Saw Mill) Soper, Jas. Heaton, George Hines, Mrs. Soper, Jos. Krusen Rich, Chas. Miles, Remus Downs, Miss N. Beall, Jno. Barcroft, Jno. W. Moore, Elias Leizear, C. Leizear, Richard Harding, Jos. Spenser, H. Black, A.M. Stabler, Asa Stabler, Caleb Stabler, R.M. Cobingrae, Chas. Stabler, Fred Righter, Chas. Barnes, James Knusen, Aliles Phaie, W.H. Dunall, C.W. Jamison, U. Spencer, Amos Richardson, Dr. C. Miles, William Miller, Warwick P. Harding, Jackson Brown, Mrs. N. Green, Lloyd Fawcett, D. Fawcett Culver, T. Shrioe, Mrs. M.A. Fawcett, Benj. Faucett, Thos. Marlow, Benj. H. Marlow (Store) Barrett, Benj. McLeod, William Beckwith, Elbert Lea, Sarah (Colored) Bentley, R.T. Mitchell, Daniel Scaggs, Geo. Trunnell, William Beall, A. Owens, S. (Colored) Marriott, T. (Colored) Powell, N. (Colored) Wetherald, J.E. (Colored) Elkhorn, E. (Colored) Waters, A. (Colored) Miller, Frank Moore, Robert S. Miller, Francis Hild, B. (Colored) Berry, J.D. Farguhar, Chas. Hyatt, Geo. W. Berry, E.D. Kirk, Mrs. E. Owen, E.W. Cashell, Samuel Owen, Thomas Higgins, H.G. Cashell, Samuel Owen, Th. Mannakee, Mrs. Glendenen, Robert Palmer, Pennet Brady, Jno. Holland, Amos Brady, David Cornelius, Rev. Hollands, J. Moore, Jos.T. Moore, R.R. Scotts, W. Scott, Wilson Holland, Misses Palmer, Dr. W. Weller, Jacob Moore, Nathiel Leizear, Perrie (Sheriff) Leizar, Jno. Pierce, Powell Leizear, Elias Rawlings, Thos. Canby, W.M. Hopkins, Mrs. D. Bonifant, Geo. Owen, W.W. Crayoroft, Edw. Cashell, H.B. Beall, Th. Adamson, Mrs. C. Muncaster (Mill) Childs, N. Empry Brooks, R. Parsley, Chas. Parsley, Richard Wadsworth, A.R. Nichols, Ch. Muncaster, W. Ed. Castle, William Farquhar, R.H. Caldwell, Jno. Abert, Chas. West, Jno. Barthowlf, Dr. Dorsey, P. Rannie, Jas. Brooke, W.S. Burriss, Jas. Beall, Edw. Jordan, A. Harkness, D.S. Walker, Thos. Williams, Richard Brooke, Roger Anderson, Chas. Rabbitt, Thos. Bennett, L.A. Betill, C.A. Read, William Cashell, Jackson & Brother Cashell, Washington Holland, Rachel Jefferson, Samuel Beall, Isaiah Rabbitt, Miss C.E. Rabbitt, Ed. Beall, Th. Keath, Geo. Pierce, Mrs. W. Cashell, Washington Vanhorn, A. Champaine, Jno. R. Mullican, Basil Kemp, Jac Whalen, Kitty Ann Kidleton, Alpheus Lazenby, Mary Bonifant, Jas. Lyddan, Patrick Simons, Margaret Lazenby, F. (Blacksmith Shop) Valdenar, Francis Kemp, Mrs. S. Valdnar, Nancy Walters, George Baker, Jno. F. Thomas, J. Lazenby, F. Chronice, J.R. Daws, Miss Josephine Shaw (Heirs) Hyatt, Jno. Lea, Mrs. L. Barrett, Lewis Mullican, Nathan Winpenny, Thos. Bean, Th. J. (Hotel) Bean, T.J. (Store and Post Office) Duvall, Dr. W. Parker, E.L. of Baltimore Shaw, Albert Harper, George Duvall, Dr. Washington Conley, Thos. F. Pilling, Alice Harper, Mrs. (Woolen Factory) Lancaster, Th. (Colored) Duvall, Dr. W. Baker (Heirs ?) Norton, Jas. Layton, Mrs. Clark McCeney, Mrs. Mickum, William B. Kidwell, Mrs. Hopkins, J. Hopkins, Josepth Parker, Jas. Davis, A.B. Veirs, Sam. C. Lincoln, Henry Bowie, Washington Noland, Thos. E. Harding, Jane Grinn, Enos Graves, Lewis Perry, H. Duvall, Dr. W. (Mills) Duvall, B. Noland, Mrs. (Heirs) Bailey, Mrs. E. Bowie, Thos. J.D. Dodge, J.B. Lyddane, P. Hardy, Jno. Havelins, J.C. Williams, Dutch Duvall, Chas. Meredith, Jno. Pierce, Mrs. W.C. Knowles, Geo. Rowe, William White, Jno. Brown, M.F. Havelin, James Todd, William B. Stubbs, Edw. Wilson, Jno. Mitchell Mitchell, R.T. Baker, William Fling, Jno. Earp, William Windham, Mrs. E. Wilburn, J. Cropley, William Erler, M. (Hotel) Truck, W. Gibbs, Jas. Fedlene, R. Ecklinson, Chas. Thompson, H. Windham, A. Batchelor, William Stanton, F.P. Thompson, Smith Taylor, Dr. W. Ross (Colored) Brown, Robert Brown, William Brown, Thos. Johnson, Benj. Thompson (Episcopal Church) Riley, T. Cissell, T. Wilson, R.T. Wilson, Jno. C. Laney, W.H. (Farm) Condit, Dr. Brunette, L. Glover, Mrs. E. Truck, Jno. Gengle, Jos. Cooper, Chas. Addams, George Ray, Alf. Keys, C.M. Johnson, Leonard Welsh, Jno. Ray, Mrs. James Palmer, Dr. Manakee, William Duffie, Thomas Adams, Williams Jones, Robert Kidwell, Jno. Jones, Robert Johnson, James Stewart, Capt. Carrington Moran, A. Read, William Beale, Mrs. Emily Cook, Joseph Bowie, H. (Colored) Free, William Jackson, Jasper Bond, J. Smith, George Patten, Lewis Thompson, Jas. Clark, J.M. Shaw, Isaiah Crawford, O.C. Smith, W.R. Walsh (Store) Bean, Wesley Clark, H.E. Chewford, Mrs. Clark, Oliver Shoemaker, Abner Clark, Henry Clark, Mrs. Chas. Barnes, Jno. W. Joy, Jno. Blair, E.P. Richardson, Jno. Gillings, Frank Beale, Asa Davis, J.B. Felius, Jas. Davis, Benj. Coburn, Caleb Schrider, B. Crandle, Jas. Bonifane, G. Estin, James Bonifant, Washington Collins, Mr. Burche, R.W. Thompson, W. Reynolds, Jas. Keys Fiddler, Jno. Grape, L. Davis, W.R. Barnes, Jno. T. Gillings, Th. (Wheel Wright) Fidler, Jno. (Blacksmith) Doge, Dan Blair, Hon. M. Blair, Hon. F.P. Sr. Pearce, William Beal, George Rapley, William Fowler, Jas. Keifer, J.E. Johnson, Columbus Halliwell, B.H. Daniels Branch Ashtons Wheel Wright Shop Store and Post Office Saw and Bone Mill Colored Church Shoe Store Store Wheel Wright and Blacksmith Shop Steam Saw and Grist Mill Thomas, Frank Friends Meeting House Aunt Fuegis Company ? Stanmore School House Methodist Episcopal Church School House Hotel School House Methodist Episcopal Church 524 Fort A.T. School House Blacksmith Shop Store and Post Office Bowie Race Rock Creek Mills Enster P.O. Hotel School House Leesboro' Mitchells X Roads Post Office Catholic Church School House P.L. Store Grist and Saw Mill Blacksmiths Shop Soap Stone School House Browns Bridge Sandy Spring P.O. North West Branch Store and Post Office Spencerville P.O. Wheel Wright Shop Colesville P.O. Old Federal Methodist Episcopal Church and School House Pisgah Methodist Episcopal Church Sligo P.O. Toll Gate Store Store and Post Office Blacksmith Shop School House Davis (Store) Flour Mill Post Office Thompson (Store) Burnt Mills P.O. School House Saw and Grist Mill Woolen Factory Paint Branch French, Benj. Baptist Church Blacksmith Shop Burton's School House Simms Street School House Johnson, H. (Shoemaker) Spencer, William H. (Residence) Store Tucker, C. (Blacksmith Shop) Sligo Branch Edmonson Farm Swams, Lewis